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Don't miss it:

Completes de Nadal

— Joan Cererols, Karlsen, Victoria and Palestrina.

In the midst of Advent, Cor Cererols presents a reconstruction of the liturgy of Completes by Cererols, placing them in the context of the Christmas celebration and adding to the composer's music his own fabordones, Gregorian chants and motets, as well as carols corresponding to the celebration. The programme will be completed by works by Victoria, Palestrina and Karlsen.

Outstanding events

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Discographic works

PREMI CLAVÉ 2020 to the best Catalan recording of choral music

Nominated for international ICMA 2021awards (International Classical Music Awards in the Choral music category)

Finalist at PREMIS ALÍCIA 2021 from the Catalan Academy of Music for the best Record Production

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